무거운 Blade를 들고 낑낑 상경해 땀 뻘뻘 흘리며 영등포 동양 볼링장의 김종우 감독님을
늦은 밤 11시에 겨우 만났다.
(미연이와의 시간을 조금 줄일껄.. 하는 후회도 남네)
시간이 많이 부족해 많이 지도를 받지 못하고 부랴부랴 볼을 뚫었다.
꿈에 그리도 그리던 Black Widow 2..
High Performance
Color: Red/Black All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Core: Gas Mask Core with flip block
Coverstock: Violent Reactive Pearl
Factory Finish: 4000 Grit Abralon Polished
Flare Potential: High
RG Differential: 0.049 (Medium-High Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare
RG Average: 2.49 (Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
Reaction: Excellent length with agressive backend reaction.
Recommended Lane Condition: Medium Oil
Description: The Black Widow Pearl features the High Mass Bias Gas Mask core with flip block and the Violent Reactive Pearl coverstock to provide more length and more aggressive breakpoint on medium oil lane conditions. Black Widow Pearl is a great compliment to the original Black Widow.
감독님에게 코치(아주 잠깐이지만)를 받고 내 실력이 아직 터무니없다는 것을 깨달았다.
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